latest 9 messages by fsync

+ [2015-01-13T00:59:00Z] fsync with git?
+ [2015-01-13T00:58:36Z] fsync so the scenario on corresponds to something i'd be doing on my desktop?
+ [2015-01-13T00:56:25Z] fsync ok thanks
+ [2015-01-13T00:42:15Z] fsync so i'm on github now and i've created my first issue. how do i create the patch that adds the first file, do i do that on github or locally on my machine?
+ [2015-01-13T00:41:43Z] fsync kk thank you
+ [2015-01-13T00:34:11Z] fsync i'm setting up a repo on github for the fist time, what is .gitignore for?
+ [2015-01-12T22:26:07Z] fsync is it a superset? ie, is it a replacement for plain old git on the local side?
+ [2015-01-12T22:23:12Z] fsync "GitHub for Windows", mentioned on, is different from plain old git?
+ [2015-01-12T22:03:32Z] fsync hi, new user here just trying to get the big picture ... when one has a github repo, is it common to use git to maintain a local version of that repo? or is that now how it works?