latest 20 messages by fungoat

+ [2013-05-22T04:40:05Z] fungoat I have. Very slick. Trying to process this at the moment --
+ [2013-05-22T04:37:55Z] fungoat Understood. I was expecting to roll up my sleeves at some point. The allure of static has drawn me in…
+ [2013-05-22T04:35:31Z] fungoat Ha. I definitely need to familiarize myself with the templating system. Seems quite flexible and powerful. Thanks for the input.
+ [2013-05-22T04:31:23Z] fungoat Are you familiar with how Tumblr link posts work/look?
+ [2013-05-22T04:31:08Z] fungoat Links to external sites. Not internal.
+ [2013-05-22T04:28:50Z] fungoat I've seen references to custom YAML (link) and then editing the post/index.html files to include a loop to check for links. I get it in concept. But putting it into action eludes me at the moment.
+ [2013-05-22T04:27:20Z] fungoat I'll have to do some research. Relatively simple for you might be Herculean for me, a decidedly unskilled coder.
+ [2013-05-22T04:21:05Z] fungoat jaybe: Sorry. Should have been more specific. The title of the post would link directly to what the body is describing/commenting upon. A la Daring Fireball.
+ [2013-05-22T03:59:21Z] fungoat [sic] Is this possible with Jekyll. Sorry.
+ [2013-05-22T03:59:05Z] fungoat Link-blogging. Is possible with Jekyll? Has it already been implemented? I've seen some references via Google, but they're dated and perhaps no longer applicable.
+ [2013-05-13T16:26:31Z] fungoat Hmm. Just parsed the post through Looks fine there. <detective hat on>
+ [2013-05-13T16:23:47Z] fungoat parkr: Hmm. Still not working. Will have to do some further research. Preceding ">" is still Markdown standard for block quote, right?
+ [2013-05-13T16:17:02Z] fungoat parkr: Great. I'll give it a shot. Thanks so much.
+ [2013-05-13T16:16:47Z] fungoat parkr: _config.yml
+ [2013-05-13T16:16:36Z] fungoat parkr: Understood. Just a matter of entering "markdown: rdiscount" in _config.ymlm
+ [2013-05-13T16:14:17Z] fungoat parkr: Okay. Thanks. Would you recommend a different parser? If so, which?
+ [2013-05-13T16:12:42Z] fungoat parkr: Looks to be Maruku 0.61 based on output from "jekyll serve --watch"
+ [2013-05-13T16:10:21Z] fungoat Is there a way to check and confirm? I'm a relative newb.
+ [2013-05-13T16:09:52Z] fungoat Good question. Assumed it was the standard runtime dependencies on OS X (kramdown/maruku).
+ [2013-05-13T16:07:35Z] fungoat Anybody having trouble with block quotes on build? Using default theme. It's placing <p> tags within the <blockquote> tags.