latest 20 messages by fuzzybear39

+ [2016-08-13T20:49:59Z] fuzzybear39 Does anyone have any ideas about my question regarding underscores and scss imports from earlier?
+ [2016-08-13T20:10:46Z] fuzzybear39 It seems to me that the minima SASS file defined in the theme would *have* to start with an underscore.
+ [2016-08-13T20:10:19Z] fuzzybear39 But, how does this work; how is this allowed?
+ [2016-08-13T20:09:49Z] fuzzybear39 *'@import "minima"'.
+ [2016-08-13T20:09:34Z] fuzzybear39 '@import minima.scss'.
+ [2016-08-13T20:09:27Z] fuzzybear39 In the boilerplate Jekyll code (call the top-level directory '~/site'), the css/main.scss file has an @import statement.
+ [2016-08-13T20:08:38Z] fuzzybear39 That theme has a _sass/ directory with minima.scss underneath it.
+ [2016-08-13T20:07:56Z] fuzzybear39 I'm looking at the minima theme that comes shipped with Jekyll 3.2.1.
+ [2016-08-13T20:07:44Z] fuzzybear39 How come Jekyll is okay with (allows) @import-ing a sass file whose filename doesn't start with an underscore?
+ [2016-08-12T23:08:36Z] fuzzybear39 DirtyF, Are you a developer that you're providing the disclaimer?
+ [2016-08-12T23:06:34Z] fuzzybear39 I have to have a nice theme first :).
+ [2016-08-12T23:06:29Z] fuzzybear39 DirtyF, I had read that part of the documentation. But, I have yet to do it.
+ [2016-08-12T23:05:53Z] fuzzybear39 That's helpful info!
+ [2016-08-12T22:46:21Z] fuzzybear39 Screw minima, haha. I'm all about the @fuzzybear beauty.
+ [2016-08-12T22:45:59Z] fuzzybear39 miklb, Yeah, man. I'm making my own theme.
+ [2016-08-12T22:40:43Z] fuzzybear39 miklb, This seems like a dumb question, now. I'm sorry if you feel that your time was wasted.