latest 12 messages by fyregryph_

+ [2015-05-29T19:22:10Z] fyregryph_ It's a skill, looking closely at something, but also not getting tunnel vision and missing a different problem than you're expect
+ [2015-05-29T19:16:00Z] fyregryph_ yeah, it got me looking at it more closely at least
+ [2015-05-29T19:15:07Z] fyregryph_ I really need to pay closer attention before asking for help :p I see the "problem" now
+ [2015-05-29T19:14:11Z] fyregryph_ I didn't notice the comment before...
+ [2015-05-29T19:12:19Z] fyregryph_
+ [2015-05-29T19:11:40Z] fyregryph_ The logic in the templates seems pretty simple
+ [2015-05-29T19:09:23Z] fyregryph_ every time I change the layout to anything other than "page" it is no longer in site.pages
+ [2015-05-29T19:01:04Z] fyregryph_ idk, maybe I'm missing something
+ [2015-05-29T19:00:28Z] fyregryph_ Is it possible to have a page using a template other than "page" and still have it listed in site.pages?