latest 10 messages by g----34343

+ [2019-09-25T22:28:47Z] g----34343 * I edited gitmodules and removed
+ [2019-09-25T22:27:48Z] g----34343 jhass: I edited removed the submodules from .gitmodules, but I still see references to them in the repo
+ [2019-09-25T20:10:39Z] g----34343 What is your suggested work around to this?
+ [2019-09-25T20:02:17Z] g----34343 Fetched in submodule path 'third-party/libRocket', but it did not contain 867fc72f980b40325c35d2a9182f741e8e0ca876. Direct fetching of that commit failed.
+ [2019-09-25T20:01:47Z] g----34343 Hey there when I clone my repository --recursively I'm getting the following for one of my submodules: but the path is correct