latest 7 messages by garo

+ [2017-03-20T09:11:30Z] garo s/wont to change/want to change/
+ [2017-03-20T09:10:59Z] garo Or keep it and merge all branches from the base into my fork ? or something else ?
+ [2017-03-20T09:09:12Z] garo suppose that i wont to change something else in a year or 3. What is the suggested way to do this ? Completely remove my current fork and create a new one ?
+ [2017-03-20T09:08:10Z] garo ... most likely i won't look at this project anymore the next couple of months, so my fork will stay as is while the base keeps evolving,
+ [2017-03-20T09:07:08Z] garo There was a a opensource project on github with a bug that was bugging me, so i forked it, fixed it in my fork, created a pull request and this got accepted. But...
+ [2015-04-19T11:43:13Z] garo s/also have also have/also have a/
+ [2015-04-19T11:42:40Z] garo How would i search for repositories that contain the file named "foo" but also have also have file containing the text "bar" ?