latest 16 messages by gavinwye

+ [2013-10-23T21:04:30Z] gavinwye I've migrated a load of pages from wordpress using the migration here: is it possible that would have an impact?
+ [2013-10-23T21:03:31Z] gavinwye there is nothing there which I haven't already looked at :(
+ [2013-10-23T21:00:57Z] gavinwye no nothing at all
+ [2013-10-23T21:00:50Z] gavinwye categories: jekyll update
+ [2013-10-23T21:00:49Z] gavinwye date: 2013-10-23 21:36:17
+ [2013-10-23T21:00:48Z] gavinwye title: "Welcome to Jekyll!"
+ [2013-10-23T21:00:47Z] gavinwye layout: post
+ [2013-10-23T21:00:38Z] gavinwye zanshin: this is the front matter
+ [2013-10-23T20:59:56Z] gavinwye it worked fine the first time but after moving some files (css and a couple of layouts) i get that error
+ [2013-10-23T20:59:18Z] gavinwye I'm not this is just the second time i've built this site
+ [2013-10-23T20:58:03Z] gavinwye does anyone know why that is?
+ [2013-10-23T20:57:48Z] gavinwye Liquid Exception: exit in _posts/2013-10-23-welcome-to-jekyll.markdown
+ [2013-10-23T20:57:47Z] gavinwye Hi i've just set up my first jeykll site and I'm getting the following error: Invalid Date: '' is not a valid datetime.
+ [2013-10-20T14:23:47Z] gavinwye Hey could someone help me with a problem I have getting Jekyll to generate my posts?