latest 20 messages by gchristensen

+ [2017-03-08T17:48:06Z] gchristensen hi, is there any UI integration to trigger deploys, or is it expected to be entirely API-driven?
+ [2017-03-05T20:54:33Z] gchristensen Hi, do deployments created via API show up anywhere?
+ [2017-01-21T12:41:16Z] gchristensen Hi, I'd like to see extra graphs like how many PRs are opened each month. is there anything that does this, either official or not official?
+ [2017-01-20T20:37:22Z] gchristensen Hi, I'd like to see extra graphs like how many PRs are opened each month. is there anything that does this, either official or not official?
+ [2016-10-28T14:44:20Z] gchristensen canton7: I'm sorry, I was being extra hard-headed this AM. false alarm.
+ [2016-10-28T14:24:29Z] gchristensen Hi, is it a bug that GitHub shows this commit is signed by NeQuissimus when in reality the commit was signed by me?
+ [2016-10-21T21:27:57Z] gchristensen Hi, does anyone here work for github? I think GitHub is leaking private pushes from a different organization to me.
+ [2016-10-19T15:09:50Z] gchristensen aye, but no built-in support with hub or another cli tool
+ [2016-10-19T15:03:18Z] gchristensen Hi, is there a way to add labels to a PR from the command line?
+ [2016-10-16T00:39:58Z] gchristensen Hi #github, given an issue, can I find all PRs, issues, and commits referencing that issue, via the API?
+ [2016-07-19T22:09:52Z] gchristensen maybe I'm misunderstanding. is "issue" the _current_state of the issue, and not the state at that event?
+ [2016-07-19T22:04:00Z] gchristensen Hi, using the issue event api, I'm seeing an event with the event "reopened" but the issue.state is "closed". Is this expected behavior? the issue was opened -> closed -> opened -> closed, and I don't see any event where the state is "open" except for the very first event
+ [2015-04-21T14:07:16Z] gchristensen CLI-friendly utilities will support whatever IDE your company or your devs pick
+ [2015-04-21T14:06:53Z] gchristensen Cust0sL1men: today your company want to switch to Eclipse, what about tomorrow?
+ [2015-04-21T14:06:27Z] gchristensen Cust0sL1men: letting devs choose their own workflo and sticking to standard CLI-friendly tools improves automation
+ [2015-04-20T20:49:09Z] gchristensen aye, thank you for the tips