latest 17 messages by geomyidae_

+ [2015-11-11T05:31:44Z] geomyidae_ well, apparently manually for small numbers of issues. never mind.
+ [2015-11-11T05:28:37Z] geomyidae_ How do I find issues in a project that I commented on?
+ [2015-06-23T23:43:31Z] geomyidae_ meh, it's a cloudflare thing...
+ [2015-06-23T23:26:34Z] geomyidae_ as well as the DNS
+ [2015-06-23T23:26:30Z] geomyidae_ I believe that I've configured appropriately.
+ [2015-06-23T23:26:12Z] geomyidae_ Can anyone help me diagnose why doesn't load?
+ [2015-04-17T23:17:18Z] geomyidae_ Why does the Fork button on the Wiki pages fork the main repo instead of the actual wiki repo?
+ [2015-02-27T03:55:30Z] geomyidae_ Or should we do that ourselves to link related issues together?
+ [2015-02-27T03:55:19Z] geomyidae_ like, does a bot come along and write "reverted by #<issue of rollback commit, if one> or git hash" ?
+ [2015-02-27T03:55:00Z] geomyidae_ does github automatically comment on an issue if a rollbakc of it is committed
+ [2015-02-26T01:13:37Z] geomyidae_ thibaultcha: thank you!
+ [2015-02-26T01:08:20Z] geomyidae_ how do I squash these inside the PR?
+ [2015-02-26T01:08:14Z] geomyidae_
+ [2015-01-04T04:20:36Z] geomyidae_ Still can't tell if I need A or CNAME or both for gh-pages to work right.
+ [2014-07-30T03:11:02Z] geomyidae_ I wanted someone to have a bot tell me. Filling out the form. Thanks.
+ [2014-07-30T03:07:49Z] geomyidae_ knock knock #github, anyone going to fix yo broken PR page?
+ [2014-07-30T01:19:40Z] geomyidae_ Is it safe to assume something should happen when I click "command line" on this page?