latest 20 messages by getxsick

+ [2019-05-29T17:12:36Z] getxsick I'm working on a new feature on forked project, and I need to make some bugfixing as well. This would require 2 pull requests, but how should I sync between these 2 branches if a feature requires the bugfix too?
+ [2019-05-29T13:48:19Z] getxsick yeah, thanks for the tip
+ [2019-05-29T13:29:26Z] getxsick sure, it's not a problem, just wondering if there is any proper/easy way
+ [2019-05-29T13:06:49Z] getxsick so i simply not sure where to raise an attention
+ [2019-05-29T13:06:33Z] getxsick and one seems to be more popular but the parts I have plenty of changes are done by anohter repo I guess
+ [2019-05-29T13:06:09Z] getxsick nah, both are forked from another old one
+ [2019-05-29T13:04:33Z] getxsick or more practically, shall I make 2 pull requests?
+ [2019-05-29T13:00:30Z] getxsick so how can i determine who is a main maintainer?
+ [2019-05-29T13:00:20Z] getxsick hmm weird
+ [2019-05-29T12:47:33Z] getxsick jhass: up
+ [2019-05-29T12:46:42Z] getxsick there is a project that has several forks on GH, i want to determine who sync changes between two of them
+ [2019-05-29T12:41:44Z] getxsick how to see an author of push/pull on GitHub?
+ [2017-03-30T23:25:27Z] getxsick i can see them on the stream/wall (not sure how you call it) but not on email or when i click the "bell" icon
+ [2017-03-30T23:24:56Z] getxsick one extra question, i don't get emails/notification via GitHub about my mentions
+ [2017-03-30T23:18:18Z] getxsick pedahzur: thx
+ [2017-03-30T23:18:01Z] getxsick actually interesting, i had some mess with emails and i didn't know that my main is assigned to the client-based login
+ [2017-03-30T23:17:25Z] getxsick ok, removed by `git push origin :branch`
+ [2017-03-30T23:17:12Z] getxsick i work for both
+ [2017-03-30T23:02:35Z] getxsick and where are these settings? in .gitconfig there is my correct name/email that i use for years in GitHub
+ [2017-03-30T23:01:28Z] getxsick can i somehow remove this branch?