latest 15 messages by gfsh

+ [2015-07-17T15:37:06Z] gfsh is it possible to accept only part of a pull request?
+ [2015-06-01T14:32:12Z] gfsh oh, nvm, found it
+ [2015-06-01T14:29:07Z] gfsh I could of course just delete my fork and re-fork
+ [2015-06-01T14:28:25Z] gfsh from the github web interface that is: "Able to merge. These branches can be automatically merged. "
+ [2015-06-01T14:28:12Z] gfsh can I automatically merge changes made to a repository I forked at an earlier date?
+ [2015-05-31T20:34:30Z] gfsh I take it it's easier on the localization team
+ [2015-05-31T20:34:11Z] gfsh as bad as gmail
+ [2015-05-31T20:33:47Z] gfsh ah, the crayon icon
+ [2015-05-31T20:33:32Z] gfsh Nevik: does it have to have specifically .txt or .md extension?
+ [2015-05-31T20:33:16Z] gfsh Nevik: I can see text files fine in the interface, but there's no editor that I can find in their UI
+ [2015-05-31T20:17:00Z] gfsh or manage commits, edit history, merge commits into one
+ [2015-05-31T20:16:38Z] gfsh from a web editor
+ [2015-05-31T20:16:28Z] gfsh for example, I'd like the ability to directly commit small changes inside the browser
+ [2015-05-31T20:15:31Z] gfsh perhaps something in the vein of "reddit enhancement suite"
+ [2015-05-31T20:15:21Z] gfsh are you aware of a firefox or chrome extension that extends the features of github?