latest 5 messages by ggVGc

+ [2015-10-24T17:52:13Z] ggVGc how can I prevent linebreaks on all the ctrl-X entries in the key mapping section?
+ [2015-04-02T17:37:58Z] ggVGc Seveas: no, I want to put the contents of foo.txt as a section inside the readme
+ [2015-04-02T16:59:03Z] ggVGc my repo contains foo.txt. I want to put contents of that file in the README, without manually copyin it
+ [2015-04-02T16:58:40Z] ggVGc maybe I should rephrase that
+ [2015-04-02T16:58:17Z] ggVGc how can I put the contents of a file in the repo, in the README.asciidoc/md?