latest 4 messages by ghostrural
Think i found the solution. {% for post in site.categories[page.category] %}
I'm using a plugin that generates pages for each category. In the template I've got the following loop - {% for post in site.categories.catname %} - this only shows posts with the category "catname". What would I put in the loop that shows the posts in whichever category you're looking at?
it's doing this even if the plugin isn't in the _plugins folder - so i assume it's jekyll default behaviour, but the when the plugin is installed, it doesn't seem to change that default behaviour anyway
I'm having difficulties installing the example plugin on the Jekyll plugin docs page. - when I install it, and then try to add categories to the front-matter of a post, doesn't generate the categories directory, instead it generates a new folder with the category name and places the post under that. I can't figure out what I'm doing wrong.