latest 6 messages by giacecco

+ [2014-11-06T08:33:25Z] giacecco Hi All, do you know if there is a way to link to a GitHub page that is independent of the page’s title, so that the link remains valid if I change it?
+ [2013-08-10T21:25:40Z] giacecco g'night skroon
+ [2013-08-10T21:19:29Z] giacecco I guess I will have to drop the ball for tonight and try again tomorrow
+ [2013-08-10T21:17:28Z] giacecco I've installed it the first time a couple of hours ago and already bumped into a git headache
+ [2013-08-10T21:16:04Z] giacecco hello everybody, I am an Octopress newbie, anybody can give some help?