latest 7 messages by gingitsune

+ [2016-04-22T07:39:20Z] gingitsune I hit my rate-limit anywaya don't feel like authenticating
+ [2016-04-22T07:39:04Z] gingitsune I assume that would be documented
+ [2016-04-22T07:26:57Z] gingitsune while there github page has 150
+ [2016-04-22T07:26:48Z] gingitsune returns me only 30 forks
+ [2016-04-22T07:26:43Z] gingitsune'
+ [2016-04-22T07:26:16Z] gingitsune I wanted to quickly we all the branch names of all the forks of a repo
+ [2016-04-19T15:12:53Z] gingitsune Is it possible to search on a non default branch?