latest 8 messages by glaksmono

+ [2015-12-03T10:34:22Z] glaksmono I alread revoked it, but it still shows up on "my" private repository list
+ [2015-12-03T10:30:22Z] glaksmono I own a private repository that is forked, but now the person left the company and unreachable, how do I delete the forked repository?
+ [2015-12-03T10:29:58Z] glaksmono anyone is around?
+ [2014-11-04T04:06:05Z] glaksmono grazfather, damn it
+ [2014-11-04T03:38:27Z] glaksmono i'm using markdown
+ [2014-11-04T03:38:05Z] glaksmono how do you add table of content on the github wiki?
+ [2014-11-04T03:37:57Z] glaksmono anyone is here?