latest 4 messages by go1111111

+ [2016-03-07T02:36:02Z] go1111111 moreover, when I now view the branch I used to create the PR, the view of files it gives me is of that branch plus the other one mentioned in the PR
+ [2016-03-07T02:35:34Z] go1111111 I created a pull request, and in a comment of this PR I mentioned another branch in my repo (a branch other than the one I was using to make the PR). The PR seems like it was automatically updated to include the branch I mentioned. is this expected? is it documented anywhere?
+ [2016-03-03T23:18:03Z] go1111111 or can other contributors add things to my PR without my permission?
+ [2016-03-03T23:17:38Z] go1111111 github newb question: I opened a PR based on my "X" branch. in a PR comment i mentioned a change in my "Y" branch as a potential addition. it seems that somehow the PR became my X branch plus my Y branch without me doing anything. Also my commits to Y also appear when I'm browsing X on my own repository, being displayed as 'X + Y'. ... If link to another branch in a comment on a PR does it automatically get pulled into my PR?