latest 20 messages by grazfather

+ [2017-05-08T00:40:57Z] grazfather Hey guys, i have an old github page. meaning i have more shit committed than apparently is needed now. that makes it s/t the theme switcher doesn't work. what do i need to tear out to get it to work?
+ [2016-09-20T20:39:18Z] grazfather oh cool you can get gh to render /docs in a source project now
+ [2016-09-20T20:32:28Z] grazfather thanks for the help guys
+ [2016-09-20T20:31:46Z] grazfather i pushed a fix a few minutes ago
+ [2016-09-20T20:31:30Z] grazfather allejo: yeah i have it wrong in both projects, it only manifests in the one without the _includes dir
+ [2016-09-20T20:31:04Z] grazfather Zarthus: hm, followed github's directions in either case, i guess gh supplies those _include files if not in the repo?
+ [2016-09-20T20:30:07Z] grazfather ah, must be a different version of jekyll when i created the two projects
+ [2016-09-20T20:29:04Z] grazfather i think I did solve it, by adding https in the base url in the config, but i am still curious why github is seemingly rendering it inconsistently
+ [2016-09-20T20:27:21Z] grazfather on my page it's using relative, on opentoallctf it's using the full path, no idea why
+ [2016-09-20T20:26:59Z] grazfather Zarthus: yes i understand that, what I mean is that I didn't write that page, github did, and it's doing it inconsistently
+ [2016-09-20T20:25:53Z] grazfather but its css is relative in the rendered html
+ [2016-09-20T20:25:22Z] grazfather so my other page doesn't have this issue, but it also has the host set as non ssl
+ [2016-09-20T20:24:30Z] grazfather No that's the one, i just changed config.yml
+ [2016-09-20T20:23:04Z] grazfather ah i think i know the issue
+ [2016-09-20T20:22:42Z] grazfather it's github that is rendering that html page
+ [2016-09-20T20:22:17Z] grazfather so that was generated by jekyll i think. is it wrong for every setup, then?
+ [2016-09-20T20:20:01Z] grazfather Anyone have an idea why the css is being served over non-tls for this github page?
+ [2016-05-10T22:32:27Z] grazfather Are there undocumented ways to delete a tag on github? I can delete them locally by rm-ing the tag and manually pushing the ref
+ [2016-05-10T06:15:25Z] grazfather VxJasonxV: Yes i was, I was getting a 404, not a 401.
+ [2016-05-09T22:16:48Z] grazfather 404's when posting a tag object as well