latest 18 messages by greencoder

+ [2015-08-23T03:52:48Z] greencoder it just started working for some reason...
+ [2015-08-23T03:42:13Z] greencoder It works when I run it locally, but it doesn't in my site hosted by GitHub
+ [2015-08-23T03:41:47Z] greencoder hey all, for some reason my 404 page isn't working
+ [2015-08-21T02:30:45Z] greencoder And here is the markdown:
+ [2015-08-21T02:30:24Z] greencoder I don't know why nothing is working besides Ruby or CSS
+ [2015-08-21T02:30:10Z] greencoder This is the syntax highlighting issue I'm having:
+ [2015-08-21T02:21:49Z] greencoder does anyone here use the Pixyll theme? For some reason syntax highlighting is only working for Ruby and CSS
+ [2015-08-20T22:45:48Z] greencoder Thanks Ikilledher !
+ [2015-08-20T22:38:14Z] greencoder hey guys if I own a domain name and want to host my jekyll blog on GitHub, would I be able to use my domain name with it
+ [2015-08-20T00:37:06Z] greencoder sorry for the noob question, but what exactly is an RSS feed for
+ [2015-08-20T00:21:14Z] greencoder out of curiosity, what themes do you guys use?
+ [2015-08-19T23:54:03Z] greencoder i see everyone doing it
+ [2015-08-19T23:53:51Z] greencoder and what theme im using
+ [2015-08-19T23:53:49Z] greencoder do I have to say that I'm using jekyll somewhere on my website
+ [2015-08-19T23:45:00Z] greencoder so its kind of like a temp folder that always changes
+ [2015-08-19T23:44:52Z] greencoder I just started with Jekyll, but I think it is because _site is like the final product that gets produced when jekyll processes everything
+ [2015-08-19T23:39:28Z] greencoder where can i find good jekyll themes