latest 20 messages by grekkos

+ [2015-10-16T05:10:36Z] grekkos on second thought i'm not sure if this was ever working
+ [2015-10-16T04:31:00Z] grekkos this is the plugin i'm trying to install
+ [2015-10-16T04:30:36Z] grekkos do I need to do a gem install of a plugin if it's already on my local machine?
+ [2015-10-16T04:30:22Z] grekkos trying to install a plugin here on my local machine -- it used to work, not it's breaking saying it can't find the plugin to require it when i run jekyll serve
+ [2013-06-02T18:35:54Z] grekkos yay i fixed it :D
+ [2013-06-02T18:35:52Z] grekkos
+ [2013-06-02T18:33:00Z] grekkos the plugin outputs an iframe i'm wondering if that's what's breaking it?
+ [2013-06-02T18:30:14Z] grekkos i'll try messing with the output for some testing though
+ [2013-06-02T18:30:01Z] grekkos i don't think so though, all the html tags are closed
+ [2013-06-02T18:20:06Z] grekkos any ideas why my liquid tag would stop further processing on my blog post?
+ [2013-06-02T18:16:42Z] grekkos can anyone help me with this plugin? I found a plugin online that seems to mostly work, I've tweaked it a bit. It adds a LiquidTag. It seems that after I use that tag in my blog post the rest of the page is not rendered by jekyll
+ [2013-06-02T18:11:55Z] grekkos hmm ... it seems like this template code is sort of breaking my page... it won't render anything after the {% youtube %} code... any ideas how I can fix that?
+ [2013-06-02T18:06:14Z] grekkos nevermind i figured it out it was the ampersand in the url
+ [2013-06-02T18:03:48Z] grekkos ok so I'm using this youtube plugin I found on github to render youtube videos with a new template tag and I'm getting an error output on my page REXML could not parse this XML/HTML: <iframe width="560" height="420" src=""></iframe> can someone help me figure this out?
+ [2013-06-02T17:48:01Z] grekkos ah ok
+ [2013-06-02T17:46:47Z] grekkos ok so depending on what i want the scope of the variab;e to be i can add it anywhere
+ [2013-06-02T17:43:21Z] grekkos ah ok
+ [2013-06-02T17:43:03Z] grekkos jaybe: so I can just start using it in my posts and it will be there? There's no config file I have to explictly declare it in?
+ [2013-06-02T17:41:36Z] grekkos jaybe: do i have to add anything anywhere or it will just recognize it automatically from the front matter?