latest 20 messages by groundnuty

+ [2016-06-14T23:04:21Z] groundnuty to a releases/commits
+ [2016-06-14T23:04:15Z] groundnuty hey, is there a way to substribe with email
+ [2016-05-21T19:07:41Z] groundnuty bandwidth/space etc
+ [2016-05-21T19:07:33Z] groundnuty hey, can I somehow see more detailed inormation about my Git Large File Storage status?
+ [2016-04-19T16:40:56Z] groundnuty could easely see what repos are part of that product
+ [2016-04-19T16:40:43Z] groundnuty it would be nice if somone who finds a repo github/banana
+ [2016-04-19T16:40:24Z] groundnuty but only few are key repos for the product Banana
+ [2016-04-19T16:40:08Z] groundnuty the usecase: we have an github organizaton #banana and have a number of repos under it
+ [2016-04-19T16:39:43Z] groundnuty hey, is there any tool in github or popular on github to show which repositories are connected with eaco other?
+ [2016-02-23T13:09:42Z] groundnuty hey, what is a good practice in case of feature branches that were 'resolved/finished/closed'? One should delete them? Keep them? Any other options?
+ [2015-10-23T15:29:12Z] groundnuty jaybe: I assume we all share that pain :)
+ [2015-10-23T15:28:00Z] groundnuty that's the last resort :)
+ [2015-10-23T15:27:04Z] groundnuty something like this
+ [2015-10-23T15:26:59Z] groundnuty ok, lets get very specfic
+ [2015-10-23T15:26:01Z] groundnuty that is a rich static page
+ [2015-10-23T15:23:31Z] groundnuty jaybe: yep, nice big post on the left, and categories/tags on the right sidebar
+ [2015-10-23T15:22:54Z] groundnuty I came here as a last option :)
+ [2015-10-23T15:22:38Z] groundnuty I looked for a nice theam for few h now