latest 13 messages by gshmu

+ [2014-10-20T00:20:18Z] gshmu offby1: I want to know how to using rebese...
+ [2014-10-20T00:14:52Z] gshmu I think, because i using rebase, so local branch head and remote head it's not match, so I can't push it
+ [2014-10-20T00:14:02Z] gshmu offby1: thanks, i'll try this
+ [2014-10-20T00:13:32Z] gshmu offby1: at which branch to using `git pull --rebase`
+ [2014-10-20T00:10:19Z] gshmu offby1: if i should `git pull --rebase origin master:my_branch`
+ [2014-10-20T00:09:20Z] gshmu I pushed it by -f
+ [2014-10-20T00:08:29Z] gshmu offby1: when push my branch it rejected
+ [2014-10-20T00:06:49Z] gshmu offby1: I fetched master and then at my branch rebase master.
+ [2014-10-20T00:01:41Z] gshmu what should i do?
+ [2014-10-20T00:01:14Z] gshmu I'm using rebase, rebase master to my branch, and then push my branch, show ! [rejected] ...
+ [2014-08-11T08:27:33Z] gshmu
+ [2014-08-11T08:25:30Z] gshmu I check my picture again, and Rotation it. always the bottom has the blank
+ [2014-08-11T08:24:02Z] gshmu github enhancement at the picture bottom