latest 9 messages by guest55

+ [2015-06-18T15:43:40Z] guest55 mglukhov: can you help me?
+ [2015-06-18T15:41:52Z] guest55 *help
+ [2015-06-18T15:39:34Z] guest55 so in the original its like <link href="css/main.css"> but then when it builds it has to be manually changed to <link href="../../../css/main.css">
+ [2015-06-18T15:39:32Z] guest55 so how do i change the way jekyll builds the _site folder. right now in posts i have a file like 2015-06-15-this-is-my-first-post.markdown but when it builds the _site folder it makes a 2015 folder with a 06 folder with a 15 folder and then this-is-my-first-post.markdown. This messes up the links as they need to go back four folders to reach css, js etc.
+ [2015-06-18T15:37:40Z] guest55 anybody?
+ [2015-06-18T15:36:13Z] guest55 anybody on?
+ [2015-06-18T15:33:40Z] guest55 anybody on?
+ [2015-06-18T15:32:52Z] guest55 so in the original its like <link href="css/main.css"> but then when it builds it has to be manually changed to <link href="../../../css/main.css">
+ [2015-06-18T15:31:14Z] guest55 so how do i change the way jekyll builds the _site folder. right now in posts i have a file like 2015-06-15-this-is-my-first-post.markdown but when it builds the _site folder it makes a 2015 folder with a 06 folder with a 15 folder and then this-is-my-first-post.markdown. This messes up the links as they need to go back four folders to reach css, js etc.