latest 10 messages by gustavi

+ [2014-12-05T20:57:08Z] gustavi I'm waiting since 5 weeks
+ [2014-12-05T20:52:28Z] gustavi is it possible to have an answer today or tomorrow please ?
+ [2014-12-05T20:52:07Z] gustavi hey github, why I can't have an answer for my discount request ?
+ [2014-11-28T21:08:15Z] gustavi I have send an email to 1 month ago
+ [2014-11-28T21:06:28Z] gustavi tang^: I just send a request with contact form
+ [2014-11-28T20:31:40Z] gustavi anyway to have direct chat with the support ? 1 month without answer :(
+ [2014-11-27T10:24:50Z] gustavi tobiasvl: no news about educations requests ?
+ [2014-11-24T22:04:48Z] gustavi thank you zerowidth !
+ [2014-11-24T21:50:40Z] gustavi is there anyway to have direct chat with github support ? no answer since 1 month (1 mail and 1 request with web application)
+ [2014-11-24T21:49:14Z] gustavi hello