latest 20 messages by gyre007

+ [2014-10-31T10:39:31Z] gyre007 done all the checks as per the step byt step guide there
+ [2014-10-31T10:39:17Z] gyre007 yeah i saw that
+ [2014-10-31T10:38:05Z] gyre007 but why cant i have ssh auth ?
+ [2014-10-31T10:37:57Z] gyre007 yeah clearly i can hack around it
+ [2014-10-31T10:37:19Z] gyre007 i cant be entering auth details on very pull....
+ [2014-10-31T10:37:07Z] gyre007 that's not what im after
+ [2014-10-31T10:37:03Z] gyre007 but that's retarded
+ [2014-10-31T10:36:59Z] gyre007 with autnentication involved
+ [2014-10-31T10:36:55Z] gyre007 tobiasvl: that works
+ [2014-10-31T10:34:05Z] gyre007 about to do that actually
+ [2014-10-31T10:32:37Z] gyre007 like this is driving me nuts
+ [2014-10-31T10:29:37Z] gyre007 have no idea
+ [2014-10-31T10:29:32Z] gyre007 weird
+ [2014-10-31T10:29:15Z] gyre007 ssh -T works just fine...
+ [2014-10-31T10:29:04Z] gyre007 I can totall authenticate via SSH to github
+ [2014-10-31T10:28:34Z] gyre007 url =
+ [2014-10-31T10:27:10Z] gyre007 its a private repo though so I'm guessing that has something to do with what im seeing...
+ [2014-10-31T10:26:47Z] gyre007 but simply github no like
+ [2014-10-31T10:26:40Z] gyre007 I checked the typos etc...