latest 14 messages by hagabaka

+ [2015-09-20T01:42:10Z] hagabaka the traffic graph seems to be for the repository and not hosted github-pages though
+ [2015-09-20T00:55:07Z] hagabaka does github provide analytics for github pages?
+ [2015-09-12T23:23:30Z] hagabaka I had a few project sites, etc. I had CNAME files in those projects and their custom domains worked fine. I recently added my own github site, and also added a CNAME for it. It looks like this makes github automatically redirect to the cname, even for the project sites
+ [2015-09-12T23:19:51Z] hagabaka does github pages automatically set up a redirect when you add a CNAME file?
+ [2015-08-13T16:09:24Z] hagabaka if I have two commits ahead of the upstream, can I make one pull request for each?
+ [2015-02-08T22:01:37Z] hagabaka well that's kind of a hack, it depends on the path where you're showing the url doesn't it?
+ [2015-02-08T22:00:17Z] hagabaka what does?
+ [2015-02-08T21:58:38Z] hagabaka but I mean something like user/repo[some separator]path/to/file
+ [2015-02-08T21:57:27Z] hagabaka well it would still be within github
+ [2015-02-08T21:30:16Z] hagabaka is there way to use relative links to point to files in other repositories?
+ [2014-12-11T19:07:25Z] hagabaka I edited the CNAME file for my github pages site, and in's setting page for the repository it says the pages are hosted at the new domain. I can fetch the CNAME file from the old domain or from and its content is the new domain. But I'm still getting 404 error at the new domain...
+ [2014-12-11T18:54:59Z] hagabaka I wish I could just set multiple CNAMEs, because when I want to change the CNAME, I have to wait for the update to occur, before I can sset up a redirect from the old domain name. If I do it before Github updates it, people will get redirected to 404 until the update. If I do it after Github updates, people will get 404 after Github updates and before I set the redirect
+ [2014-12-11T18:49:10Z] hagabaka how long does it take for a CNAME of a github page site to update when I change it?