latest 20 messages by halabund

+ [2016-05-26T11:58:40Z] halabund Is there an easy way to migrate from bitbucket to github, both repository and issues?
+ [2015-10-17T19:05:32Z] halabund milki: Thanks, I think I figured it out now!
+ [2015-10-17T18:52:28Z] halabund There’s a website which uses the GitHub API to provide direct link to releases. It doesn’t work for my project where I only created a tag. What do I need to do to turn this into a proper release? Do I really need to upload a separate zip file?
+ [2015-10-17T18:51:44Z] halabund If I create a tag, I automatically get a listing under the “Releases” tab. Is this the same as a release?
+ [2015-10-13T08:58:32Z] halabund Another question: Is it okay to delete the branch used for a pull request after the pull request is merged? Is there any reason to keep it?
+ [2015-10-13T08:54:56Z] halabund canton7: This second one sounds more intuitive, but I only read your note after finishing the operation
+ [2015-10-13T08:53:51Z] halabund Thank you! It looks like all is fine now :)
+ [2015-10-13T08:41:18Z] halabund so the “right” way is to edit then
+ [2015-10-13T08:40:27Z] halabund _rgn: is editing commits like this what people typically do in pull requests? I would be much easier (but also uglier) to just add a fourth commit fixing the problem ...
+ [2015-10-13T08:32:29Z] halabund I prepared a pull request consisting of three commits. Then I realized that I need to make a change to the second one (i.e. not the last one). What is a safe way to accomplish this? I know it has to do something with rebase but I’m worried I’ll mess up the last commit … I’m using SourceTree and occasionally the command line.
+ [2015-10-13T08:31:13Z] halabund I need some help/guidance with the following:
+ [2015-10-13T08:31:06Z] halabund Hi everyone!
+ [2015-08-28T15:03:23Z] halabund It seems it’s an autoconf thing.
+ [2015-08-28T14:57:30Z] halabund I saw something like @PACKAGE_VERSION@ in the source of several projects on GitHub. What is this exactly? Is it a Git thing? What tool will substitute this variable?
+ [2014-11-12T17:56:51Z] halabund Well, most likely they’re not going to fix it because Mathematica is not popular enough and probably nobody there knows any Mathematica. They would just tell me to contribute a fix. I’ll just look if I can use prettify instead.
+ [2014-11-12T17:55:19Z] halabund I mean I see issues only with standard Pygments
+ [2014-11-12T17:55:05Z] halabund zerowidth: I don’t see issue on GitHub, I see only see issues with Pygments :) Since I thought GitHub uses Pygments, I was looking to get those fixes (specifically: get an actually working Mathematica highlighter)
+ [2014-11-12T17:42:01Z] halabund Tried to track it down through but didn’t find it
+ [2014-11-12T17:41:42Z] halabund Nevik: do you know where I can find them?