latest 15 messages by hannyajin

+ [2014-10-15T00:16:09Z] hannyajin VxJasonxV: git filter-branch to the rescue!
+ [2014-10-15T00:15:51Z] hannyajin VxJasonxV: ohhh sweet jesus YES! thanks a lot for your advice and links :D
+ [2014-10-15T00:05:46Z] hannyajin will do, thanks
+ [2014-10-15T00:05:08Z] hannyajin is it fixable?
+ [2014-10-15T00:04:49Z] hannyajin contents as in 75 megabytes? ;v
+ [2014-10-15T00:04:25Z] hannyajin the file as in all its bits?
+ [2014-10-15T00:04:04Z] hannyajin then ignored file, reset cache, and git push again (and it keeps continuing from last time)
+ [2014-10-15T00:03:45Z] hannyajin I interrupted the first push since it was taking ages
+ [2014-10-15T00:00:59Z] hannyajin i tried reseting cache and rebasing
+ [2014-10-15T00:00:49Z] hannyajin which is HUGE
+ [2014-10-15T00:00:41Z] hannyajin it keeps continuing from where I left off and attempts to push out the now gitignored file
+ [2014-10-14T23:59:56Z] hannyajin how dohow do I force a re push to github (aka not continue from last interrupt)