latest 12 messages by happy_dev

+ [2015-07-30T05:09:09Z] happy_dev
+ [2015-07-30T05:09:08Z] happy_dev I got this error when I did `gem install jekyll`
+ [2015-07-30T05:08:51Z] happy_dev hey guys, I'm having a bit of trouble getting jekyll working with my VPS
+ [2015-07-30T01:57:05Z] happy_dev yeah, I liked that the blog posts are written with markdown
+ [2015-07-30T01:54:55Z] happy_dev Thanks, I'll check them out
+ [2015-07-30T01:54:24Z] happy_dev I'm not really sure about the details of how it works though lol
+ [2015-07-30T01:53:50Z] happy_dev static site generator right
+ [2015-07-30T01:52:50Z] happy_dev I wanted to redo my website, and was hoping to add a blog to it. It's currently being hosted on DigitalOcean. Would Jekyll be a good thing to use for this? I'm fairly decent with HTML/CSS/JS, but don't really know much about backend yet
+ [2015-07-30T01:52:30Z] happy_dev haha alright jaybe