latest 20 messages by hashtag_

+ [2015-10-19T00:20:50Z] hashtag_ anaconda: thank you!
+ [2015-10-19T00:18:38Z] hashtag_ CI is great
+ [2015-10-19T00:18:28Z] hashtag_ ok, the CI is running now, let's see whether everything passes now
+ [2015-10-19T00:17:54Z] hashtag_ anaconda: first it created a PR in the forked repo - then I repeated and now it finally created a PR in the original repo
+ [2015-10-19T00:17:33Z] hashtag_ anaconda: ok, now I got it
+ [2015-10-19T00:15:52Z] hashtag_ anaconda: does the head fork or the base fork have to be the original repo if I want to create a PR there?
+ [2015-10-19T00:11:57Z] hashtag_ ah, I think I can do it now
+ [2015-10-19T00:11:36Z] hashtag_ there is a link to compare between forks
+ [2015-10-19T00:11:31Z] hashtag_ I went back to the original repo and created a PR there
+ [2015-10-19T00:11:25Z] hashtag_ I got the new branch now
+ [2015-10-19T00:10:42Z] hashtag_ not in the original repo :O
+ [2015-10-19T00:10:40Z] hashtag_ hm, but it tries to create the PR in the forked repo
+ [2015-10-19T00:10:19Z] hashtag_ yes, I see the branch now
+ [2015-10-19T00:10:16Z] hashtag_ Now in the step "open a pull request"
+ [2015-10-19T00:08:08Z] hashtag_ anaconda: can I pick any name I like or do I have to follow some rules - like the username being mandatory?
+ [2015-10-19T00:06:27Z] hashtag_ anaconda: ok - so let's say I want to edit a file there - I would hit the edit button in github and then github asks me to either create a branch or a PR - I guess I should take the branch option
+ [2015-10-19T00:06:04Z] hashtag_ anaconda: ok, deleted the fork and forked anew