latest 9 messages by hawkeye78__

+ [2014-01-24T16:57:31Z] hawkeye78__ ah than I was just blind, thanks for the hint
+ [2014-01-24T16:56:25Z] hawkeye78__ but how do I this? I have no found a example :-(
+ [2014-01-24T16:52:01Z] hawkeye78__ I have a another question ca I create the menu dynamical by just defined the structure in the config or do I need a plugin? becauce I found this plugin: but I am not sure if I really need it
+ [2014-01-24T16:41:08Z] hawkeye78__ ah the feature with the index site of my choice is nice to know exatacly this feature i was missing in nikola
+ [2014-01-24T16:39:14Z] hawkeye78__ ok this means I need to seperate layout directories?
+ [2014-01-24T16:38:10Z] hawkeye78__ I already try this with nikola (also a static site generator) and this tool can't do this, That's why I asking here before I start with the configuration :-)
+ [2014-01-24T16:36:59Z] hawkeye78__ exactly I would like to create a homepage with the sites, Home, About Me, Projects and Blog and Home, About me, Projects are static site with Home as startsite of the page
+ [2014-01-24T16:36:09Z] hawkeye78__ I have a little question about the function of jekyll is it possible to create a static site which one site, which is not the startsite as a blog?