latest 11 messages by heath

+ [2015-02-11T02:57:06Z] heath anywho, pretty sleepy, going to step away now
+ [2015-02-11T02:56:49Z] heath thibaultcha: talking to whoever works at github and would know
+ [2015-02-11T02:06:00Z] heath
+ [2015-02-11T02:05:52Z] heath "Replace CoffeeScript *and* ES6 (and HTML and CSS) with Something Better."
+ [2015-02-11T02:05:37Z] heath i know that previously the styleguide said "no js," but now that the maintiner of the language your company depends on will be dropping support, what will you do? :)
+ [2015-02-11T02:04:29Z] heath will github use es6 internally going forward now that jeremy is advocating a move away from coffeescript?
+ [2014-11-21T22:07:42Z] heath about all i can do right now:
+ [2014-11-21T22:05:12Z] heath right
+ [2014-11-21T22:03:51Z] heath and i might correct this at some point
+ [2014-11-21T22:03:43Z] heath it's mistaking Qt linguist files for typescript
+ [2014-11-21T22:03:25Z] heath which package is used for syntax highligting on github