latest 7 messages by heathsnow_

+ [2014-07-18T21:27:43Z] heathsnow_ OR, can I reuse an SSH key on multiple machines?
+ [2014-07-18T21:26:59Z] heathsnow_ Is there a limit to the number of SSH Keys a user can have?
+ [2014-07-18T00:29:58Z] heathsnow_ Seveas: Yes! Tyvm
+ [2014-07-18T00:25:38Z] heathsnow_ This is as close as I've gotten...but the create method seems to be tied to a repo and not an account:
+ [2014-07-18T00:24:04Z] heathsnow_ the github_api gem looks like it *might* work for that but I can't seem to find an example of how to add it.
+ [2014-07-18T00:23:10Z] heathsnow_ Seveas: Sorry, my question was poorly formatted. I'm trying to add a key I've already created with ssh-keygen to the account
+ [2014-07-18T00:19:39Z] heathsnow_ Anyone know how I can create an SSH key for a user account in Ruby? I'm looking at the github_api gem but I can't seem to find the right method call.