latest 8 messages by hellcook

+ [2017-01-11T08:08:45Z] hellcook Oh, I actually can... my bad
+ [2017-01-11T07:55:30Z] hellcook I guess SF is going to bed...
+ [2017-01-11T07:54:40Z] hellcook (branches I created and that are merged)
+ [2017-01-11T07:54:23Z] hellcook Is it possible as a collaborator to have the permission to delete branches on a repo?
+ [2016-07-26T11:38:32Z] hellcook Zarthus: ok, thank you
+ [2016-07-26T11:25:10Z] hellcook Is there a way to add some files (images for example) to github that would not be versionned?