latest 9 messages by hendricius

+ [2013-11-25T15:21:24Z] hendricius it gives you a different mindset
+ [2013-11-25T11:34:26Z] hendricius mustache and slim
+ [2013-11-25T11:34:23Z] hendricius i find it quite hard because you have two templates engine
+ [2013-11-25T11:34:14Z] hendricius is anyone here using slim?
+ [2013-11-23T14:37:53Z] hendricius do you have the {{ content }} twice somwhere in your posts layout?
+ [2013-11-23T00:52:19Z] hendricius i dont remember the name, just that it was made by a relatively well known coder
+ [2013-11-23T00:52:04Z] hendricius i recently saw a hackernews post for a responsive jekyll theme. but lost the link. googling did not help :D