latest 8 messages by henne

+ [2014-10-20T20:06:38Z] henne oh well. guess I have to fall back to put files into _scss
+ [2014-10-20T19:59:33Z] henne at least it works for 2 of the 3 gems ;)
+ [2014-10-20T19:59:17Z] henne it can
+ [2014-10-20T19:57:52Z] henne iamcarrico: thanks anyway :-)
+ [2014-10-20T19:57:19Z] henne nope. just plain jekyll-sass-converter-1.2.1
+ [2014-10-20T19:50:38Z] henne specifically bourbon+neat+bitters
+ [2014-10-20T19:44:39Z] henne any idea how to debug that?
+ [2014-10-20T19:44:33Z] henne hey peepz :-) I have a problem with a gem's dir not being added to the load path