latest 11 messages by hesco

+ [2014-11-21T23:30:33Z] hesco Does github provide an api permitting one to query the latest tagged version of a package or project?
+ [2014-10-09T17:22:21Z] hesco thanks Nevik and Seveas. appreciate the pointers
+ [2014-10-09T17:21:46Z] hesco !lol
+ [2014-10-09T17:19:24Z] hesco I looked there before asking here
+ [2014-10-09T17:19:17Z] hesco git help tag gave me no clues.
+ [2014-10-09T17:18:52Z] hesco with git.
+ [2014-10-09T17:18:29Z] hesco Thanks Nevik. How about my first question: How do I determine the commit hash that a tag refers to?
+ [2014-10-09T16:24:31Z] hesco how do I determine the commit hash that a tag refers to? Does it contaminate the history to delete and change the number of a published tag (on a project that hardly anyone has seen so far)?
+ [2014-10-07T18:18:27Z] hesco you are suggesting working in my local clone then. Then pushing the upstream changes back into my own fork of the project? I have an existing fork which is a year and nearly 700 commits out of sync with the current development.
+ [2014-10-07T18:16:39Z] hesco Nevik_: how would I delete?
+ [2014-10-07T18:12:08Z] hesco I made a contribution to a project a year or so ago, and wish to make another at this time. Is there some way to pull the source from the<project_name> site, or must I add a remote locally, merge the upstream changes and work from there? What is the recommended practice?