latest 19 messages by hitman1

+ [2017-03-22T11:57:48Z] hitman1 error: failed to push some refs
+ [2017-03-22T11:55:39Z] hitman1 pushing the .gitignore or pushing the dir/.gitignore
+ [2017-03-22T11:55:22Z] hitman1 then after creating .gitignore. which command to use?
+ [2017-03-22T11:51:35Z] hitman1 nonce mean?
+ [2017-03-22T11:51:21Z] hitman1 !nonce
+ [2017-03-22T11:51:08Z] hitman1 Yes I mean directories
+ [2017-03-22T11:49:55Z] hitman1 tobiasvl, If i can't the how the f to add projects to github?
+ [2017-03-22T11:48:34Z] hitman1 tobiasvl, yes I can
+ [2017-03-22T11:44:47Z] hitman1 amirite?
+ [2017-03-22T11:44:42Z] hitman1 and update the repository on my pc.
+ [2017-03-22T11:44:12Z] hitman1 tobiasvl ,so I need to go and explicitly create folder online on github website.\
+ [2017-03-22T11:39:24Z] hitman1 How to add an empty folder to origin repository?
+ [2017-03-22T02:01:21Z] hitman1 How to add a directoy(or folder) to my github project using cmd?
+ [2017-03-22T01:39:03Z] hitman1 How to add a directoy(or folder) to my github project using cmd?
+ [2017-03-22T01:39:02Z] hitman1 noone online?
+ [2017-03-22T01:31:16Z] hitman1 How to add a directoy(or folder) to my github project using cmd?