latest 7 messages by hjrnunes

+ [2013-10-24T11:49:26Z] hjrnunes I installed a another theme. Where can I make sure everything that should be included is actually included?
+ [2013-10-24T11:48:57Z] hjrnunes which I think is what's making it not work properly
+ [2013-10-24T11:48:38Z] hjrnunes however, I can see that the html file doens't include the screen.css stylesheet
+ [2013-10-24T11:48:14Z] hjrnunes with all the right attributes etc
+ [2013-10-24T11:48:04Z] hjrnunes The html seems fine
+ [2013-10-24T11:47:57Z] hjrnunes It doesnt render the pullquote
+ [2013-10-24T11:47:45Z] hjrnunes Hi guys, I'm having some trouble with the pullquote plugin