latest 7 messages by hnk

+ [2014-08-03T11:54:33Z] hnk i am new to this, so please bear with me
+ [2014-08-03T11:54:19Z] hnk basically, i want to resolve the variable, before it gets sent to my custom plugin
+ [2014-08-03T11:43:32Z] hnk any help?
+ [2014-08-03T11:43:30Z] hnk now I looked at the liquid doc, but couldn't find how to do this.
+ [2014-08-03T11:42:58Z] hnk but of course i fail miserably
+ [2014-08-03T11:42:51Z] hnk I am trying to use a variable inside a tag in jekyll. like so: {% my_tag {{ post.url }} %}
+ [2014-08-03T11:39:59Z] hnk hi all