latest 20 messages by holo

+ [2015-06-25T23:58:28Z] holo github desktop app removed my changes in a branch that wasn't master, after I checked a button on the side of the branch
+ [2015-06-25T23:56:28Z] holo hi
+ [2014-11-25T04:34:54Z] holo ideally some vertical length default or custom would be applied
+ [2014-11-25T04:34:31Z] holo is there any markdown to force vertical scrolling of code under ```?
+ [2014-11-25T04:32:16Z] holo hi
+ [2014-11-19T06:58:34Z] holo Seveas btw, contributions happiness restored. thanks
+ [2014-11-19T06:54:40Z] holo haha that UI is really horrendous. looks like someone glued the icons in one afternoon
+ [2014-11-19T06:53:46Z] holo Seveas, my vps goes down like 1 time/week. but besides that and the horrendous UI, it's fine :}
+ [2014-11-19T06:51:19Z] holo Seveas, ovh is despised by half the interwebs?? why? i checked their reputation before applying and didn't find anything that bad
+ [2014-11-19T06:49:55Z] holo Seveas, i'm using ovh for $3/month
+ [2014-11-19T06:48:00Z] holo id, no problem :)
+ [2014-11-19T06:47:32Z] holo Seveas, woo thanks :) i need this so much for my morning morale
+ [2014-11-19T06:46:48Z] holo Seveas, if i use my old email again, can i have the contributions back?
+ [2014-11-19T06:46:01Z] holo Seveas, yes today I changed my email. but i still have 90 contributions with the old email.. anyway, it's a very sound theory cause that's what i actually did
+ [2014-11-19T06:43:51Z] holo Seveas, example, today I have contributions, but today's square is gray. really, no one is experiencing this?
+ [2014-11-19T06:42:35Z] holo Seveas, my contributions are quite spread across dozens of projects that I don't even own
+ [2014-11-19T06:40:07Z] holo so, some hours ago I had +250 contributions for this year. now I have 91.. something must have happened!
+ [2014-11-19T06:37:59Z] holo id, I think I may have explained myself not very well. I mean that board with little green squares. I had a lot of contributions, there but now i have just a few. yours is cool?
+ [2014-11-19T06:35:19Z] holo id, the advice was for me?
+ [2014-11-19T06:32:27Z] holo is it just me, or github removed lots of contributions from the home page? it looks kind of empty now :'/