latest 11 messages by huptoka

+ [2016-09-27T17:35:31Z] huptoka I'm curious because I've been working on this project on my free time and I don't want my boss to know about it
+ [2016-09-27T17:34:40Z] huptoka Hello, anyone knows what happens if you upload a repo that has commits before current date? Will the contributions graph in your profile show green squares for days from months ago or it's just commits pushed to github?
+ [2016-08-10T08:28:00Z] huptoka I think ill just clone it and grep it locally
+ [2016-08-10T08:27:36Z] huptoka at least I need the equal sign
+ [2016-08-10T08:27:28Z] huptoka if you meant double quotes, I already tried
+ [2016-08-10T08:27:19Z] huptoka can't you see them?
+ [2016-08-10T08:27:15Z] huptoka there are quotes in there
+ [2016-08-10T08:22:49Z] huptoka Hello, how do you search for 'MyClass.method = {' in a repo? It's fetching everything that contains any of the words but I need something like fgrep
+ [2016-08-06T19:56:04Z] huptoka or do i have to clone it
+ [2016-08-06T19:55:57Z] huptoka is it possible to see the .git of a repo in the browser?