latest 7 messages by hyfrehyfre

+ [2016-03-06T02:11:36Z] hyfrehyfre i ca already see the folder for the extension, but how can i use it?
+ [2016-03-06T02:11:22Z] hyfrehyfre so i created GitHUb account and from terminal install it, previously updating etc
+ [2016-03-06T02:10:52Z] hyfrehyfre now i am trying to get rid of the "Hot corner in the top left" so i am trying to install this:
+ [2016-03-06T02:10:25Z] hyfrehyfre cause i need to learn it
+ [2016-03-06T02:10:19Z] hyfrehyfre i am very new to linux... and i installed Kali Linux