latest 20 messages by iamcarrico

+ [2015-01-06T19:54:15Z] iamcarrico Would love to see any documentation you have to see if some work can be done together.
+ [2015-01-06T19:53:54Z] iamcarrico jaybe: Certainly is helpful. We had a similar problem in the Sass-world— since a lot of not-ruby people were learning how to use a ruby tool...
+ [2015-01-06T13:59:17Z] iamcarrico miroshi
+ [2014-12-31T15:10:53Z] iamcarrico mojo-jojo:tha setting only applies to posts.
+ [2014-11-26T20:53:15Z] iamcarrico and you are correct pontiki :-D
+ [2014-11-26T20:53:09Z] iamcarrico sighs a sigh of relief.
+ [2014-11-26T20:51:15Z] iamcarrico Oh, I just have to say it...
+ [2014-11-24T00:22:17Z] iamcarrico Thank you much, if you ever find yourself in Austin, I owe you a beer.
+ [2014-11-24T00:21:58Z] iamcarrico I mainly took inspiration from the jekyll-assets plugin
+ [2014-11-24T00:21:40Z] iamcarrico parkr Thank you. This is the first set of Jekyll tests I have ever written... I will take any recommendations thrown at me.
+ [2014-11-24T00:20:15Z] iamcarrico parkr... and that fixed... everything.
+ [2014-11-24T00:01:30Z] iamcarrico I shall be back on once I drive home to finish this though.
+ [2014-11-24T00:01:02Z] iamcarrico I just have to figure out how to pass along the write information to get what I need. Which shouldn't be too hard now that I know where to look for it.
+ [2014-11-24T00:00:19Z] iamcarrico Not entirely, but I am being kicked out of this coffee house.
+ [2014-11-23T23:58:55Z] iamcarrico Ruby is not my strong point, but this has been an adventure. I think I get how this is doing its stuff. Much thanks parkr