latest 20 messages by iceTwy

+ [2013-12-22T14:35:03Z] iceTwy I'll submit a PR
+ [2013-12-22T14:34:57Z] iceTwy
+ [2013-12-22T14:34:49Z] iceTwy I've found the error.
+ [2013-12-22T14:34:46Z] iceTwy oooooh
+ [2013-12-22T14:32:26Z] iceTwy okay
+ [2013-12-22T14:26:53Z] iceTwy ?
+ [2013-12-22T14:26:51Z] iceTwy kaffeebohne: What other MD parsers are there
+ [2013-12-22T14:25:34Z] iceTwy but the code's really simple - hence why I have no idea why it would be broken
+ [2013-12-22T14:25:17Z] iceTwy kaffeebohne: I guess it is
+ [2013-12-22T13:50:00Z] iceTwy
+ [2013-12-22T13:49:33Z] iceTwy kaffeebohne: sorry, back. I do use Redcarpet, but I've got a theme.
+ [2013-12-22T12:47:18Z] iceTwy obviously W3C's validator isn't very happy with this
+ [2013-12-22T12:47:02Z] iceTwy I've got (or found?) an issue with Jekyll. Using {{ post.excerpt }} will result in having double paragraph tags (i.e. <p><p>content</p></p>) in the HTML output
+ [2013-12-22T12:46:11Z] iceTwy Hola
+ [2013-12-15T21:11:08Z] iceTwy penibelst: do you have any idea whether Unicorn caches files for a certain time
+ [2013-12-15T21:02:05Z] iceTwy changing the datetime will fix a bunch of things already
+ [2013-12-15T20:59:10Z] iceTwy working on it already
+ [2013-12-15T20:59:01Z] iceTwy ikr
+ [2013-12-15T20:55:26Z] iceTwy ouch. that hurt my eyes.
+ [2013-12-15T20:49:40Z] iceTwy mojobot: <3