latest 16 messages by icedwater

+ [2015-09-18T10:51:11Z] icedwater _rgn: Thanks. There was a weird merge thing locally, but when I pushed it amended the commit as I wanted.
+ [2015-09-18T10:43:07Z] icedwater If I pull the commit to my local host, I should be able to amend the last commit, right?
+ [2015-09-18T10:42:31Z] icedwater Hmm, I'm talking about the web UI, haven't found a way to do so.
+ [2015-09-18T10:37:42Z] icedwater Hmm, is it possible to amend a commit made on github?
+ [2014-11-17T19:56:09Z] icedwater Starred and watched, thanks Seveas :)
+ [2014-11-17T19:54:33Z] icedwater Seveas: thanks!
+ [2014-11-17T19:52:39Z] icedwater Seveas: thanks. I found it too, now I have two options -- play with PyGithub (because I'm lazy) or register an application so I can get OAuth authentication tokens.
+ [2014-11-17T19:27:19Z] icedwater I don't know, there should be 500 other people here who could answer, I was shouting into the void :)
+ [2014-11-17T19:17:19Z] icedwater To be clear, I was hoping to find a way to use the Github API to create a new repo in my own account.
+ [2014-11-17T19:15:44Z] icedwater Remram: I was referring to something like this:
+ [2014-11-17T19:13:57Z] icedwater Maybe he meant my previous 'l' comment. Anyhow, advice is always appreciated. I'll continue searching first of course.
+ [2014-11-17T19:11:58Z] icedwater luto: hmm, why would this be the wrong channel to ask about the github API, though?
+ [2014-11-17T19:10:55Z] icedwater Sorry, meant to ask about the API and if it was possible to programmatically create a repo in your own user account.