latest 7 messages by idd2d_

+ [2015-07-26T23:20:50Z] idd2d_ I want to serve another page within index.html. i.e. My portfolio's About page. Is this possible?
+ [2015-07-25T01:33:44Z] idd2d_ seems promising
+ [2015-07-25T01:31:12Z] idd2d_ hm, okay
+ [2015-07-25T01:30:39Z] idd2d_ Locally I am, but ultimately I'd like to be on Github Pages
+ [2015-07-25T01:30:30Z] idd2d_ well.
+ [2015-07-25T01:30:24Z] idd2d_ yes
+ [2015-07-25T01:30:05Z] idd2d_ Is it possible to host a PDF on my jekyll site? i.e. I want to map straight to /document.pdf, and just display in the browser