latest 12 messages by ihabunek

+ [2013-10-02T13:39:05Z] ihabunek i have timezone configured to Europe/Zagreb
+ [2013-10-02T13:37:41Z] ihabunek maybe i need to install the locale?
+ [2013-10-02T13:37:36Z] ihabunek ok, but it doesn't
+ [2013-10-02T13:36:47Z] ihabunek thx for the timezone tip, though :)
+ [2013-10-02T13:36:20Z] ihabunek i'd like to have: Srijeda 2. sijecnja 2013
+ [2013-10-02T13:36:06Z] ihabunek so insead of: Wednesday 2. January 2013
+ [2013-10-02T13:35:53Z] ihabunek i'd like to have my date in croatian
+ [2013-10-02T13:35:45Z] ihabunek jaybe: maybe i didn't explain it properly
+ [2013-10-02T12:16:23Z] ihabunek or is it hardcoded to english?
+ [2013-10-02T12:16:18Z] ihabunek is there a way to have date format in a different locale?