latest 20 messages by ilhami

+ [2016-05-14T12:57:06Z] ilhami hey.
+ [2015-05-30T15:40:11Z] ilhami Error creating resource: [message] fopen( failed to open stream: Connection timed out [file] /vagrant/MiniCRM/minicrm/vendor/guzzlehttp/guzzle/src/Handler/StreamHandler.php [line] 231
+ [2015-05-30T01:05:36Z] ilhami is the github API easy to use? :P
+ [2015-05-30T01:05:08Z] ilhami hey.
+ [2014-10-09T14:18:02Z] ilhami Let me put all that in a document. :D
+ [2014-10-09T14:17:15Z] ilhami :D my remote host does not support ssh I think.
+ [2014-10-09T14:15:21Z] ilhami that would be cool!
+ [2014-10-09T14:14:37Z] ilhami I will look at rsync when I have time. :)
+ [2014-10-09T14:14:29Z] ilhami oh ok I can live with that. :) thanks anyway.
+ [2014-10-09T14:13:01Z] ilhami jaybe, so every time I update the website with a blog post, do I have to build and deploy the whole _site content again?
+ [2014-10-09T14:10:28Z] ilhami that worked thanks. :)
+ [2014-10-09T14:09:22Z] ilhami oh lol well let me try that.
+ [2014-10-09T14:03:50Z] ilhami uploading*
+ [2014-10-09T14:01:52Z] ilhami maybe some config?
+ [2014-10-09T14:01:44Z] ilhami I am missing something I think
+ [2014-10-09T14:01:33Z] ilhami I am upload the autogenerated _site folder to the root of my host.. in public_html
+ [2014-10-09T13:57:21Z] ilhami I put the _site folder in the root folder.
+ [2014-10-09T13:57:08Z] ilhami hello I tried to deploy my site to my host. that didn't work out well.
+ [2014-10-04T15:05:40Z] ilhami I need to get some sleep. :) later dude
+ [2014-10-04T15:04:44Z] ilhami cool. :)