latest 20 messages by irc-5225225

+ [2016-11-22T23:27:52Z] irc-5225225 If you want to change the remote URL of a git repository, the command is `git remote set-url origin <url>`, replacing <url> with the clone URL of your fork, once you made it on GitHub.
+ [2016-11-22T23:25:34Z] irc-5225225 mozzarella: What I usually do is fork it first, then work on my changes there. That being said, it's really easy to change the URL that you're pushing it to if you already cloned it, so you can push to your fork.
+ [2016-08-01T21:30:26Z] irc-5225225 Ah, then you'd probably have the man pages on your system when you install git. The bottom of the git man page shows other useful ones.
+ [2016-08-01T21:26:07Z] irc-5225225 man gittutorial *is* a tutorial.
+ [2016-08-01T21:25:49Z] irc-5225225 Well, no. Man pages are references, not tutorials.
+ [2016-08-01T21:24:56Z] irc-5225225 The man page for hg is 10 times that, at 10000.
+ [2016-08-01T21:24:33Z] irc-5225225 mark4: The man page for git is around 1000 lines.
+ [2016-08-01T21:23:41Z] irc-5225225 Every individual command in git is given a man page for the most part, so you can type `man git add` to get detailed information about the git add command.
+ [2016-08-01T21:21:11Z] irc-5225225 What's complex about it?
+ [2016-08-01T21:20:10Z] irc-5225225 Yeah, that is a pretty common argument against it. The UI is kinda shit, but the internals are so good that it makes up for it.
+ [2016-08-01T21:17:40Z] irc-5225225 mark4: Any perticular parts of git you think are overengineered? Or is it probably not worth getting into an argument about version control systems here?
+ [2016-08-01T21:15:20Z] irc-5225225 Actually, there was a class over at #archlinux-classroom about the basics of git a while ago. I can look for the chatlogs if that might be helpful.
+ [2016-08-01T21:14:40Z] irc-5225225 Though I do recommend learning git, the basics are pretty easy to learn.
+ [2016-08-01T21:13:40Z] irc-5225225 mark4: if you want to work in mercurial but talk to a git server.
+ [2016-08-01T21:12:01Z] irc-5225225 mark4: Maybe try converting the mercurial repo to a git one, then pushing it as normal? (After backing it up, of course)
+ [2016-08-01T21:08:52Z] irc-5225225 mark4: helpful?